Sacrifice by Max Kinnings, Paperback, 9781780871820 | Buy online at The Nile
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An Ed Mallory Thriller

Author: Max Kinnings  


High finance. High stakes. And a man ready to pay the highest price of all. Featuring the blind hostage-negotiator Ed Mallory.

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High finance. High stakes. And a man ready to pay the highest price of all. Featuring the blind hostage-negotiator Ed Mallory.

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Disgraced hedge fund manager Graham Poynter hides shamefully in his Belgravia mansion. All that separates him from the media hounds baying for his blood are wrought iron railings and an elite security team.


A masked intruder stands over Poynter and his terrified family, while the last remaining security guard hangs impaled on a railing spike outside the house - a message of intent beamed to the watching world.


Surrounding the scene are police helicopters, special forces teams, and Ed Mallory - blind hostage negotiator - who must stop this faceless adversary whose sights are set on exacting twisted retribution.

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About the Author

Max Kinnings lectures in Creative Writing at Brunel University in London. His first novel, Baptism, introduced the character of Ed Mallory and was published in 2012. He lives in Oxford with his family.

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Back Cover

09.13am. Disgraced hedge fund manager Graham Poynter hides shamefully in his Belgravia mansion. All that separates him from the media hounds baying for his blood are wrought iron railings and an elite security team. 10.16am. A masked intruder stands over Poynter and his terrified family, while the last remaining security guard hangs impaled on a railing spike outside the house - a message of intent beamed to the watching world. 10.38am. Surrounding the scene are police helicopters, special forces teams, and Ed Mallory - blind hostage negotiator - who must stop this faceless adversary whose sights are set on exacting twisted retribution.

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More on this Book

LONDON, CHRISTMAS MORNING. 09:13am. Disgraced hedge fund manager Graham Poynter hides shamefully in his Belgravia mansion. All that separates him from the media hounds baying for his blood are wrought iron railings and an elite security team. 10:16am. A masked intruder stands over Poynter and his terrified family, while the last remaining security guard hangs impaled on a railing spike outside the house - a message of intent beamed to the watching world. 10:38am. Surrounding the scene are police helicopters, special forces teams, and Ed Mallory - blind hostage negotiator - who must stop this faceless adversary whose sights are set on exacting twisted retribution.

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Product Details

Quercus Publishing
7th November 2013


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